Call me...
The Baconator!
or maybe
Call me...
The Baconator!
or maybe
Not bad!
Good concept, although I've seen it done before, but you've made yours unique. It's complex with decent artwork, a good background tune, and isn't over in 2 minutes. You've got my vote. 4/5 and 8/10. Well done and keep up the good work.
Hope this game makes it.
I want to know the secret to getting a 9000+ distance hit! I've gotten about 1200, but the top scores of all time are in the 9000'S!
Not too great, not too bad either. From what I can tell it's a unique concept sorta. I went ahead and replayed it a few times and now hold the high score with 171. We'll see how competative it gets if it's voted high enough to stick around.
Not really...
Not really much of a game. Sorry.
All I Can Wonder Is "Why?"
I have absolutely no idea why you would make a game like this, Raccoon Dress-Up? Seriously? I'm giving you a 2 only because you had a Sephiroth outfit to choose from. Other then that it wasn't really interesting. Sorry if that sounds bad, but just remember it's my personal opinion, others may decide they like it so don't take my opinion to heart.
Awesome Game!
This game kicked major ass. Good artwork, kewl spells(preferred the draining undead one most), and interesting storyline. The ambient music helped set the mood well, too. All my 5/5 and 10/10s are belong to this ;) keep the good games rolling.
Not too bad.
Gameplay got a bit repetative, but that's expected in a Tower Defense Game, I'd know as I'm a TDG fanatic. The artwork was ok, but I'd have to agree with some of the other reviews on the opinion that the turret pictures were slightly too large for their squares and that there weren't many good places to set the turrets making strategic placement slightly difficult. The "Ultimate Turret" didn't really live up to it's name in the end as I had 10 of them upgraded to max blasting away and still wound up losing even with freeze turrets set to slow them down right as they entered the Ultimate Turret zone. Other then those slight issues I found the game had some decent replay value as I played it about 6 times trying to get to a higher wave each time. So keep up the good work. Overall a 7 in my opinion.
Very well done.
Definately a decent game. I loved the arrow combination idea(I used Homing and Explosive the entire game once I was able to buy both and fully upgraded them hehe worked perfectly). The music was suitable and didn't get too annoying considering how immersed you had to be to keep everything off ya. Keep up the good submissions. Once again, Very well done!
Just plain fun that's all I can say lol I got a 217 enemy combo after maxxing everything out lol no fuel = pwnz :P keep it up :)
Currently just watching, reviewing, and enjoying(for the most part) all of the content I get my hands on here, but contemplating doing my own flash and submitting it eventually.
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Houston, Texas
Joined on 8/7/06